Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dining with a 9,000 lb Killer Whale....

It's not everyday that you have the chance to dine with a 9,000 pound whale. As one of our excursions in San Diego, we decided to "Dine with Shamu". The whale's name was Ulysses and he is the biggest killer whale (weighing in at 9,150 lbs) at Sea World San Diego.... and he was quite large. Little Man wanted to be sure everyone had their badge, so it was a bit challenging to get him to look at the camera.
Here's our whale coming up to say "hi"
When the announcer said to get the cameras ready, Big Man promptly picked up Little Man and headed to the fence... Another women (without child) was heading to the same place, so as any good protective father would do, he passsively shoulder checked the women to grab the front row fence spot. I have to say, it was worth it. Take a look at the view. We could almost pet the whale... well, I'm not sure you would want to pet him, but feeding him snow would be an option.
Big Man's look of absolute delight....
That's the wrap for Sea World with the exception of the attached video of the Shamu Rocks show.... no worries, it's just to show everyone what a great time we could have on a Caravan trip to Sea World!
Well, and Little Man and I are heading off to Big Sky Montana, so stay tuned for some beautiful green pictures coming your way.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Shamu Rocks and apparently digs Latin music...looks like a fun show!