Thursday, September 13, 2007

Paradise in San Diego

Every year my family takes a vacation and this year we decided to venture to the coast of San Diego. I checked the temperature and the high while we were there would be 74 degrees...I thought about what to pack .... sweatshirt, hat, and definately a scarf! We loaded everything including the kitchen sink into our expandable suitcase (which came in weighing 49 lbs... YIPPIE) and headed to the coast. We are very excited to be on the plane, well at least Big Man is... And of course don't forget the nap schedule.... Then off to the boardwalk for some fun on a bike ride, with the exception of the crazy driver. Check out the video montage of the bike ride and the first half of the day at SeaWorld. Little Man loved the animals, except for the sharks, those were a bit on the scary side.

1 comment:

Mikele said...

I couldn't see your first two pictures!

Love the video!