Friday, August 15, 2008

So Big

I know people have told me to enjoy the time when your kids are young because they grow so fast.... my kids are still small, but I feel like the time is flying by. Little Man is beginning to tell stories and makes me laugh and laugh, here's an example....

Mom " Did you have fun at school today"
Little Man "Ahh Sure"
Mom "Did you have fun on the playground?"
Little Man "Sure, I saw Rico fall"
Mom "Rico fell, was he okay"
Little Man "Sure, I touched Rico's nostrils"
Mom "What, his nostrils. We shouldn't touch other people's nostrils. It's not polite"
Little Man "It makes him feel better"
Mom *Sigh* (Note to self talk to Nico's Mom and see if his nostrils are okay)

Other times he makes me want to cry because he is so incredibly thoughtful, like when Ax and I went to wake him up from his nap. As a note, Little Man is usually not a great waker upper from his naps. So Ax and I went into his room and I laid Ax on his back and whispered, "Ax and I missed you, so we are here to wake you up" Little Man turns over and hugs Ax and says, "I wuv you Ax." Ahhh, I love these moments. I couldn't catch that moment on film, but I did catch Little Man holding Little Ax after their bath....

And of course there is our linebacker Ax who is growing up so fast and has long surpassed Little Man's size at this age. The big milestones Ax crossed this week were rolling over continuously (I was not ready for any sort of mobility, he's just a newborn), eating solids, and touching the ground in his bouncy. Here's a picture of Ax eating his very own biter biscuit... I think he may have the same blue eyes as Little Man.Here's a video of Ax bouncing and for some reason his feet crack me up... take a peek...


mini and brother said...

I love all Ax chunkness.
I am cracking up at his feet dancing. Too funny.
I think you're right about those eyes!

Kristi said...

Doesn't a little nostril touch make everyone feel better? Is it just me and Rio? Hello?

Rachel said...

Too cute!

Kers said...

Heather I love peeking at your babes via blogger. They are growing so fast and personally I love the chubbers :)

Anonymous said...

Alex is getting sooo big!! He is going to be the dancer of the family. Love, Nanna, Pa & Tay Tay