Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Memories at Chick-Fil-A

One of Little Man's favorite restaurants, second to Pei Wei, is Chick-Fil-A mainly because of the playground and the occasional ice cream. However, the playground seems to be my least favorite thing due the memories that have been created there... such as when Little Man learned the naughty phrase "Damn It"... Let me take you through this one... Little Man was playing in the play area and ran out and sat next to me at the booth, looked me straight in the eyes and said "MaMa Damn It" I looked at him in disbelief and asked him to repeat it, knowing of course he was going to say something different.... "Damn It" he said again. I was in shock and did not respond in the appropriate manner, instead I looked at him and laughed; then turned to my dear friend to ask what Little Man said. She of course told me the truth and said "Damn It".... Fast forward a few weeks and the "damn its" are heard less and less, it has now most recently turned into "Bamn it"

And then there is today when we ventured over to Chick-Fil-A once again and Little Man was playing in the play area and tripped and fell on the first step of the playground. He was crying and I just knew I would see blood... However, no blood just a good size scrape and lots of tears. The manager asked if he was okay and offered Little Man some ice cream and ice. As soon as he saw the ice cream, the tears were history. From this, I thought everything was great until he woke up from his nap with a nose twice the size as it is normally and bruising... YIKES... We called the Doctor and are going in tomorrow, they said it could be broken or just bruised, we will see and then maybe next time it will be a trip through the Drive-Thru.....

Please pray for Little Man :)


Carrie said...

Poor guy! The playground freaks me out a bit too ... LOVE his eyes ... he could pretty much say whatever he wanted to with eyes like that!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! I hurt when I look at his nose. Hopefully it looks better today. We will pray that it isn't broken and that it returns to normal soon. We love you Colin and Alex... Nanna, Pa & Taylor

Mikele said...

OUCH! You need to come up with a really good story that includes ninjas and monkeys or something.

Robyn said...

Poor guy!!! Love his sweet face.