Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And Back to the Blog World

It's been awhile since the last post, so I thought I would catch you up on the latest with Little Man and his fabulous use of utensils and the unlimited amount of food he can eat. I truly understand how parents of teenage boys say that they can eat you out of house and home. During the past few weeks Little Man has been doing that and trust me I am thankful. On most days, Little Man requests "cakes" for breakfast and noodles for lunch.... He does a great job clearing his plate or so I think he does until I look closely and find the last few noodles hiding out in his new do!

Another new trick of his is taking his "tat" also known as cat and dog to eat with him at breakfast... I'm not sure if he is actually awake or asleep with his eyes open???

Because Little Man had so much fun in Montana with the farm animals, the family decided to venture to Schnepf Farms for some country fun.....Little Man was so comfortable around the goats, he even let them nibble on his shirt....
Can you see the pure joy in his smile...at one point he did try to ride the sheep, good thing this one was docile enough to just lay there. I don't think the petting zoo coordinator was very happy with the example that he set for the rest of the kids. To us it was totally worth the price of admission.

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