Thursday, August 30, 2007

And The Winner Is....

Okay, so I tried a little trivia and the answer is: Picture number one was the Month and day Adam and I found out that we are expecting our second child! The second picture was the time of night/day it was. I will spare you most of the details, but the best part of the story was that I forgot about the test and Adam actually found out before I did. What a surprise that was. Needless to say it was 12:25 am and we did not get a whole lot of sleep that night because we were so excited!

Picture Number One
Picture Number Two

And about the fish.... Well, we were finally able to "calibrate" the water for the tank and found four beautiful fish. Until a few days past and now we have three. I didn't know that fish were so sensitive. I guess Little Man and I will have to pet them more often... or we will have to keep Java away from the tank....

That's not really Little Man's fish it was just a cool picture, Little Man's fish are below....


Mikele said...

Pretty clever, Feather....

Carrie said...

Congratulations! When is the next royal family member due???

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Congratulations! What a great suprise! Can't wait to meet him or her. Oh, and I can't wait to see your Nemo in there?

feather said...

The blessed next member of the King Family is due March 30th.. I am still a bit in shock.