Monday, May 24, 2010

San Antonio Vacation

We took our first summer family vacation last weekend and ventured to San Antonio to see our friends. Little Man and Ax were so excited to see Madison and Jordan. As soon as we arrived, we did the most authentic Texan thing and went to Chic-Fil-A... well, maybe not the most Texan thing. It was so fun watching the kids run and play and eat lots of ice cream right before bedtime:) But how can you resist with such a cute face like this???
While I was packing I thought that I should pack some "boy" toys like cars and muscle men, but what they really wanted to play with Madison and Jordan's cupcake set...
We had planned to go to Six Flags on Friday night, but after arriving at the park at 5:00pm we quickly noticed the park closed at 6:00pm. However, I don't think the kids cared because the mall nearby had a perfect jumping spot next to Cold Stone (yes, more ice cream right before bedtime). And for Jen and I they had a Buckle store for us to try on every pair of capris....
Check out these professional jump shots!
The second day we headed off to Sea World! The kids had so much fun and we attempted a group picture, at least the adults were looking in the right direction....
Alex was fascinated with Shamu and I loved seeing these cuties together in almost matching outfits.
We fed the dolphins at Sea World which was on the top list of favorite things. I thought the boys would be a little freaked out, but they did great. I may have been a little paranoid that they were going to fall in.... Nonetheless, it was so much fun and memorable!

Pure Happiness, the faces say it all...

The last day Little Man came down with a fever and stomache, so we stayed around the house until it was time to leave. He was a trooper and loved playing with the camera and attempting to smile real for the camera. Jordan has a true model smile and loved playing along....
I loved all the green outside and they have a perfect swing in the front yard!
Thanks Friends for a fanastic weekend. We love you and miss you bunches!


mini and brother said...

Pure cuteness!! I love seeing you guys together. Heather, cute shirt!!!!

Mikele said...

I was totally gonna comment on her shortie shorts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha!

Also, Mad-Dog has her mamma's jumping skills - holy cow!

Mulelady said...

Looks like you had a great vacation. Love all that green and the swing looks like a lot of fun. Love, Nana : 0

Carrie said...

I want a swing in my front yard! And all that green too! Looks like fun!!!

Robyn said...

Looks so fun! Glad you all had a great time :) I was going to compliment your shirt too. Cuteness.