Monday, January 19, 2009

Little Man's First Soccer Game

Big Man decided to sign Little Man up for a soccer league. Now, the last soccer event we signed Little Man up for all he wanted to do was drink juice and watch from the sidelines. So signing him up for another soccer league was going to be interesting, I thought. However, to our surprise Little Man was excited to play with Tio Mike and have Big Man as the assistant coach. This is way you stop the ball and prepare for the pullback, Little Man tells me.

It may have helped that the entire team is related to Tio Mike.... it's like a family reuinion every game! Here's the assistant coach giving some game pointers before the clock starts.

I really love seeing the boys and girls in their jerseys - they are so cute, regardless if they are just watching their shadow, kicking the ball into the wrong goal, or worried about their nails :) It was so much fun watching them play!! Here's Little Man kicking the ball in, just in time for the big orange team to score a goal.....

And it's been awhile, but Little Ax is clapping at everything and trying to take steps! He is growing up way too fast! It's too bad he's not happy when he eats.... take a close look at 4 tooth Jackson!


Anonymous said...

I love the soccer game!! Colin you did a great job kicking the ball Nana is sooo proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Alex is so cute clapping his hands what a sweetie pie!!!!!

Give them hugs and kisses for all of us. We love you!!!!!!!

Carrie said...

I think I should sign Joshua up for that league. We play "soccer" in our front yard. Um ... make that ... Joshua kicks the ball and if anyone else (me) tries to take a turn, he falls on top of the ball shrieking ... "You kick another ball. This is my favorite!" Nice ... should I put a sign on him that says "Does not play well with others" ????

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Ax is growing up fast! Didn't we just have your baby shower last week? :-)
Love the soccer game. Move over comes King!

Mikele said...

That big orange team meanie! :)