Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Trip to the Snow

It is hard to believe that the holidays have passed and it is already the middle of January. I have been a tardy blogger and Christmas pictures, along with New Year's pictures will surface sometime in the near future. In the meantime, I felt I should update you on our spontaneous family trip to the snow. It really is not in my nature to do things spontaneously, without detailed plans and spreadsheets, but I thought this would be worth it. Everyone has been talking about snow this season and I really wanted to take the boys up to the snow for some sledding and snowball fights. So we rented a small cabin in Flagstaff and headed north for a couple days. Snow was everywhere and our cabin was a few yards away from the sledding hill, aka driveway in the summer. Here's Little Man eating some oatmeal before his snow fun....

We forgot to pack Ax's winter coats, so I layered everything else I had to keep him warm. He was wearing a turtleneck onesie, long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, jacket, and Little Man's jacket - along with two pairs of pants. He couldn't move and looked like the Michelin Man. At first he thought it was funny....
Then he fell face first in the snow, and didn't think it was funny...

Here's Little Man and Ax getting ready for the big hill.....
Here's Little Man sledding down the hill, he liked it, but eating the snow was his favorite part.

Eating the snow... he made himself breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. He didn't want to leave until he ate all the clean snow. The mind of a three year old!


Mikele said...

Super fun! I can't wait to go. wink wink.

Carrie said...

Did you have to change Ax's diaper? Because that's a lot of layers to remove!!

I love snow that you can visit ... and then leave behind!!

Robyn said...

Oh, I love it!!! Way to be spontaneous :) I love that C wanted dad to make the sled go slower.

mini and brother said...

Welcome to my snowy world. That little Ax looks so cute all bundled up and I love the sledding. If C is hungry he can come visit, we have plenty of snow to eat. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

What a great time you must of had in the snow. That sledding looks like lots of fun too.