Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another First for Little Man.. Preschool

With mixed emotions from Mom, Little Man started his first day of preschool today. He was so excited to wear his backpack and see his teacher Mrs. Debbie. His new classroom had so many things to do... play with rice, put Chicks Hicks in the microwave, painting station, and of course the dinosaur tub! It brought tears to my eyes watching him play with other kids and even share his Lightning McQueen. Although the other part of my heart was sad to see him doing these things on his own, without Mom, that part wanted to take him back home and not bring him back. I kept asking him if he had fun, secretly hoping he would say no, but of course he kept saying "yeah"; so I guess that means I should take him back next week.
Here's Little Man with his favorite backpack, he was very confused why he couldn't wear it while sitting in his carseat????

Here's Little Man at the rice table with Chick Hicks

And of course playground time... He had a great time with some new friends flying on the airplane. It was a little warm, well down right hot, so we only stayed for 2 1/2 minutes....

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Anonymous said...

What a big boy. I love the school pictures, it looks like Colin is right at home. We love you!!
Nana, Pa & Taylor

Mikele said...

I'm sad for you. :)

Jenny said...

Way to go, Colin (and Mom)!