Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Potty Training Fun

Since Little Man turned two I have thought about potty training and realized that we are much more comfortable with the part-time potty training. Not as much pressure and stress, I figure. Since we are in the “awareness” stage of potty training, Little Man has decided he would rather go potty in public restrooms than at home. Of course this mortifies me, but as a good mom I encourage it and have purchased Elmo Potty covers to help me with my germ phobia tendencies. Well, to take things a step further, Little Man has decided that he likes wearing the potty seat covers better than sitting on them….. so do you encourage this as well????? Only if he wears a Kraft Single on his head, I figure....


Mikele said...

I bought a billion of those things and only used them once. You want 'em?

Anonymous said...

Am I bad mom because I use the toilet seat covers but don't put them down for my kids?

Anonymous said...

PS--Not the Elmo ones. Just the ones in the stalls. And not because I want my children to catch diseases, but because they resisted the covers and I haven't pushed the issue. OK, I'm done explaining now ;)

Cherie said...

One of the best things about having boys is that they can stand up!!! Teach him to stand up and then you don't have to worry as much about the germs.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Is it sad that I am more afraid of the processed cheese than I am of not using a seat cover?

Kers said...

Count on using the seat covers for awhile. It seems like it take forever for them to be tall enough to do it in the big public potties.