Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Little Bit of Family and Mud....

My mom and Taylor were here last week visiting. We had so much fun, we didn’t do as much home cookin’ as we would in Montana, but none-the-less it was fun, fun, fun. The first day started with school. Little Man wanted to join in the fun, so he went to school too. He kept saying, “MaMa in school, see me sit”…. He’s such a good boy.

Taylor wanted to host a Valentine’s Day party with some of her friends that she has here. So she planned the party and we helped her prepare. She did a great job hosting and coming up with activities and a craft. Her friends had tons of fun… Check out her friend’s blog for more pictures...
And the princesses upstairs playing..

And a week of fun would not be complete without a little mud, right??? I wanted to show my mom where we are building our new house and wanted to drive into the “garage” which is only mud… how was I supposed to know I could get stuck??? Well, that’s exactly what happened, stuck in the mud with Little Man in the back a wee bit scared and saying “Stuck, Stuck, Stuck” . It’s a very good thing that the crew of workers were still there and they could push the truck out of the mud (although I couldn’t capture that on film), just imagine 8 nice men pushing the front of my truck out of this mudpit….

And to capture the moment, take a look at the tires...


Mikele said...

I'm just glad you found the steak in the trunk. That was one exciting week.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Glad those men were there to help you get out.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Hey, will you be saving a mud puddle in the back yard for Little Man to play in?

feather said...

Mikele ~ I am trying to forget about the green meat found in my hubby's trunk. Yes, it is as bad as it sounds.

Mrs. Spice ~ Great idea, I think with the mud on my tires I will have enough to have a mudpit for everyone to play in ;)