We have struggled for months with Little Man to wear floaties or a swimsuit with floaties and he has refused, torn them off, and screamed; so we felt we would table this issue for another time. Out of the blue this week I thought, let's try floaties again.... To our surprise, Little Man watched intensely as Big Man put on the floaties... no screaming... no fuss....just watched....

Adam and I were a bit in shock and didn't say much as Little Man climbed into the pool... still no fuss.... And seriously within minutes, Little Man was swimming, jumping off the side, and having the time of his life :) Then he started holding his breath and chasing rockets in the pool and smiling the whole time. Adam and I still looked at each other in amazement and I had to take lots of pictures and videos of the blessed event, in case this was a one and only anomoly.....
Check out the video.... http://uncutvideo.aol.com/videos/df3def9651f1da489644d24890806694?index=0
And while we are on the topic of fish, we have decided to add another pet to the household. And since Adam and I couldn't agree on a dog or cat, we settled for a fish or two or three or four. We ventured to Petco over the weekend for the big purchase and apparently we have been out of the fish owning world for awhile because we have to let the water "calibrate" for three to seven days before adding fish.... So here's our new pet ......