Thursday, June 5, 2008

Camping With Dad

Last weekend Big Man, Little Man, Mike, and Aiden headed up to the rim for some camping fun. Little Man has been so excited and has been counting down the days on his calendar. In preparation, Little Man was "fishing" in the living room trying to catch "fish" aka Java the Cat. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch this moment on camera, but trust me, it was hilarious.....more for us than the cat.
Here's a picture of Aiden and Little Man sword fighting.

Here's another picture of Aiden and Little Man hanging out having fun.
Big Man decided to try out his photography skills with this picture perfect shot. I think this should be in one of those motivational pictures.
And of course the camping spot, now if you were taking a picture of my camping spot is would look more like a hotel room.

Here's the fish that they caught and as Little Man tells the story, "We catch Big fish and I touch his slimy. Mike catch little fish" I love him :)

I am so thankful that they were able to go camping and have a great time.
And you may ask what Ax and I were doing while they were gone???? Sleeping and finishing Little Man's first year babybook.... I was so productive!


Kristi said...

So cute! I love he was practicing fishing with a CAT! That's classic.

Rachel said...

Great pics!! It looks like some fab daddy/son time, too. Alright on finishing the baby book, too! That is fantastic!

Mikele said...

I'm so glad to hear that no one came back branded.

Carrie said...

Uh ... my version of camping includes a featherbed and room service too :) But I am SO looking forward to sending my boys on lots of camping trips with Ben! We'll consult the pros (you guys) before they head out!

mini and brother said...

Looks like so much fun for those boys! No branding?! Maybe next time.
Come home, we missed you at soccer!