Ax didn't seem to just sit for very long, he is constantly watching Little Man and really desiring to do everything he does. I just don't think he's old enough to be mobile, he's way to little. But how can I stop such a happy face???
And then there's the crib. I resisted lowering the crib until I walked in one day and he was almost hurdling the side. Big Man promptly lowered it and I came in to get him from his nap and found this unhappy boy... well, not exactly.
I am convinced that having two boys will force me to begin cooking or at least start going to the grocery store more often, because they already eat A LOT!!! Ax will eat baby food, but would much rather feed himself, however with only one tooth the options for solid food are limited; so Little Man decided to help him eat.....and I must note that I didn't have to tell Little Man to wipe Ax's mouth, he did that all by himself (another phrase I hear alot these days). I love my boys :)
Another milestone that Ax has reached was the appearance of his first tooth. Another one is poking through, but if you look closely at One-Tooth Jackson, you will see the little pearly white.